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Allthough it may not look like it most days...SPRING IS HERE! (edits made 5-3-23)


Updated: May 3, 2023

Spring Turkey season is underway, and regular shooting activities are firing up.

Trap has started as of Wed. 4-26 and will continue weekly @6pm on Wednesdays until the snow chases us out in the fall.

Considering the current weather, Skeet will start on Tuesday, 5-9 @6pm and continue weekly as well.

We are starting a NEW weekly pistol shoot this year! Meet us on the range Thursday evenings @6pm for Practical Pistol. People of all skill levels are urged to attend, if you are new to pistol shooting or an experienced shooter. There will be a new stage(s) each week with a combination of cardboard IDPA/USPSA/IPSC targets, steel, and moving targets. The needed equipment is a Pistol (9mm or larger) , Holster, an extra magazine or two, and magazine pouch(s). Eye protection, Hearing protection are always required.

There will be the above mentioned equipment available for those who want to participate, but don't have or know what to get. Come out and shoot! Pistol will start officially on May 11th, however I plan to be there for a "test" setup and shoot on May 4th depending on weather.

Bob's monthly Rimfire shoot is also underway this month check the events calendar page for the dates. OSC is now an ARA (american rimfire association) affiliated club!

Rimfire shoots are a great event for all ages and all classes of rifles. COME JOIN US!

For more information on shooting events email

There is a new page on the website called "what we are up to". Watch this page in the coming weeks for pictures and videos of current events and scheduled evening shoots!

Hope to see you all out to the range and burn some powder!


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